Canbra Foods Ltd. (A Subsidiary of James Richardson International) Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Hirano & Heaton Architects Ltd.
Quin Saretsky Engineers
Wesbridge Construction provided design-build services for a $12 million canola seed crush plant expansion for Canbra Foods. Wesbridge provided contract engineering services, project management, construction materials, and construction labour. The project consisted of the installation of new process equipment including related pressure vessels, tanks, conveyors, mills, pumps, piping and instrumentation. A multi-floor building was constructed to house the expansion. Construction and installation was closely coordinated with Canbra Foods to ensure minimal disruption to normal plant operations.
Canbra Foods is Canada's largest on site fully integrated canola processor and packer. As part of an on-going relationship with Canbra Foods, Wesbridge Construction continues to support Canbra's ongoing construction requirements.